Submit A Post

Indeed, you may submit a post to the Pagan Club here. However, please read the guide below first.

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Submit A Post

In order to submit a post to the Pagan Club you must ensure that you use a minimum of 200 words. Obviously, your submission should be all your own work. In other words, no copy and pasting from other websites. You may use a line or two as part of the fair use rules but no more than this. Then again, even for this small amount you should put a link to the quote.


Obviously your posts should be about paganism in some way. For example, Wicca, Witchcraft, Druid etc. But the Pagan religion comes in many forms so it’s entirely up to you. However, the main thing is not to copy and paste the works of others and stay on topic. You should ensure what you post is legal and lawful, of course. So, if you are ready, fill in the form above.

Generally speaking, if your post is a pagan news article, it will be acceptable. But if you just want to write about pagan items in general, go ahead and do that.

We have made the form easy to use and you may also include images and YouTube videos too. However, if you are experiencing difficulties with the form let us know.

Pagan Club Policy

Before you write an essay for the Pagan Club, you should make sure you understand our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. However, just use common sense and it will be fine. We obviously reserve the right to adjust your posts if necessary. Indeed, should your posts be way off the mark, we may not publish them. This obviously helps with spam prevention.

By and large though, pagan posters are easily recognisable, so your posts will go live as you submit them. However, your first post may have to await moderation first. Then when you build up a reputation, they will go live straight away.

Pagan Forum

The Pagan Club website is ideal to post in-depth articles, but we also have a Pagan Forum too. So, not only can you comment on the articles here on the Heathen Blogs and make your own posts, but you can use our message boards as well. They are complementary to each other and allow better social interaction with like-minded people.

So, if you prefer forums, just use that chat medium instead. Finally, if you have any suggestions for the Pagan Club Website or the Pagan Forum, let us know. Its your domain, so use it!

Submit a post - your Pagan posts go here - Wicca and Witchcraft including all other forms of Paganism

Indeed, you can post anything to do with Paganism.

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